
For an individual like myself, born of my time and place, and one who is haunted by words: how does one step through the window, the threshold of a book such as this?  A band of many peoples, cultures, ways of living, a language, a consciousness, a history—eradicated, forcibly removed from the narrative thread that is part of my existence here, alive, living on Abenaki ancestral lands—(this cannot be romanticized). For myself, I must imagine this new connection as a relationship—one of both reciprocity (harmony) and a symbiosis of spirit (evolution). It is a communal act and must continually move toward edification and a gift of new life, breath—a dialogue.


Song   Language   Music   Naming   Subjectivity   Translation   Emerson   History   Erasure[violence]   427   Child of the Bear  Indian   Words   Intention   Rivers   Preservation   Body[music]   Thresholds   Dialogues   Water   Return